The 5th International Yoga Day was observed at the school auditorium on June 21st with the active participation of the entire school. The programme commenced with a prayer. Br. Anaghamrita Chaitanyaji formally welcomed the gathering. Invoking the blessings of the Almighty, the lighting of the sacred lamp was performed by Swamiji. This was followed by his message emphasizing the importance of yoga in one’s life. Dr. Beena, Chairperson of the Cochin Port Trust was the Honourable Guest of the day. She enlightened the gathering by emphasising the role of yoga in today’s world where technology has taken over the present generation making them inactive and prone to various health problems. Our beloved Principal, Mrs. Vijayalakshmi, spoke about the soothing effects of yoga for students. Representing Amrita University, Mr. Ravichandran spoke about the
practicality of making yoga part of one’s life. Later, Swamiji expressed his gratitude by presenting a memento to the Honourable Guest. Mr. Sukumaran presented an ensemble of different yogasanas with the active participation of all the people present there. The event concluded with the distribution of prasadam.